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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day Spin

Happy Earth Day, one and all! I've always been devoted to the environment (esp since my dad was a forester), so I'm all for Earth Day. But am I the only one who's tired of the media telling me to buy different lightbulbs and to use cloth bags? Can't they offer any better ideas?

All that aside, while watching TV today I was reminded of an interesting "spin" word I'd heard a few times before: "greenwashing." That's when people use spin to make an idea or product, or a company's practice, sound a lot greener than it really is.

As we all know, you can't believe all the advertising and promotional messages you hear. There is a dark side to this business. So beware greenwashing! If a claim sounds too good (or too green) to be true, check it out before you buy.

Since the public has presumably just been reminded about environmental responsibility, librarians might want to inform their users about greenwashing by posting some info on their websites to help consumers realize what to watch out for. (Providing just-in-time info always makes you look savvy!)

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