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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dynamic Instructional Content

Chad Boeninger-Ohio University libraries
Open source is a free as a free kitten- still needs the care ….
Free applications – can’t be modified- can use existing services

Learning occurs everywhere
Libraries are teaching – one shot session everything you ever wanted to know or not in one session- too many learning objectives in one session- not tied to need
Where are they teaching? Classroom, ref desk, one to one setting

How do we teach?
Handout- keep us on task, current info- left behind….
Try blogs and wikis as an alternative

Call iyour blog or wiki your virtual handout

Biz wiki- can use to teach… to make sure everyone gets the same guide- can go into any business area- students can go back to information when they need it- easy to keep current with new information.

Marketing 379 class- scavenger hunt class … made it so students go find the information themselves… eat concept for librarians to help kids with homework assignments

Feedback (in class)

Clicker system- expensive, proprietary, often require PowerPoint

Free alternatives: polls ad meebo me widget

Locally hosted wordpress – can insert polls into your wordpress poll shows results can drive discussions and see what everyone has in common. Have to ask the right question!

As easy as “Add a poll” – only on te locally hosted blogs

Use meebo me in class…. Helps students feel more comfortable asking a question….

Post class assessment:
Survey tools- add a survey to you blog- phpESP

Additional intruction:
Poscasts, scrrencasts,

Podcasts – broadcast library tours in various languages
Saved time- audacity.source.netHi trecord button and voila….export as as MP3 file then post on blog and already have the RSS feed

Debugmode/wink- free but is open source – not as exciting as captivate- great place to start then if you want to pay then upgrade!

o Record
o Capture screen video with
CamStudio- note the file format- AVI (video format)
o Edit with Windows Media Maker or iMovie

Audio and video has a bit of a learning curve but well worth it- adds human element

Virtual reference desk

After class support:
Typical : IM
NEW – can tag so people can find follow up information
Facebook- can answer question from your inbox- can input your blog-

FAQ creator- and can ask a question …version 2.0 will help your virtual ref desk- can publish answers to FAQ page
Book rooms, schedules, etc….

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