New Marketing Trends

Marketing Ideas for Non-Profits and Libraries

The M Word helps librarians learn about marketing trends and ideas.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Let's Start Anew

Hello dear readers, and welcome to 2013. We have lots of fresh ideas for this year, so let's get started! 

January is always a time to "wipe the old slate clean" and to start things anew. So for any of you who are new readers -- or those who just want a refresher -- I'd like to point you to the very beginning of marketing. It begins with understanding what "marketing" really is. 

This guest post I wrote for the Illinois Libraries Matter blog on marketing explains and clarifies. It's called "Think You're Marketing Your Library? Let's Make Sure." I've learned over the years that most people are mistaken about what marketing is. They think they're doing it, but in reality, they're not. 

Are YOU actually marketing? Here's a little True / False test: 
  • Marketing is like an umbrella because it protects your Strategic Plan.
  • "Public relations" and "promotion" are different words with the same meaning.
  • Social media accounts are great marketing tools.
  • Staff members, including the Director, are your best advocates. 
If you thought any of those were true, then head over & read this post right away. (There are other useful posts on that blog as well.) Feel free to ask questions here, about this or anything else. 

We hope you'll keep turning to The M Word for marketing help in 2013. Happy New Year! Here's to your success!

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