New Marketing Trends

Marketing Ideas for Non-Profits and Libraries

The M Word helps librarians learn about marketing trends and ideas.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Do Those Facebook Insights Mean?

I just watched this video from The Nonprofit Facebook Guy. It's a nice clear explanation of what the new Facebook Insights mean. Checking these can show you how many people see and interact with your content on given days. The Insights are a great tool for seeing, at a glance, what types of posts get the most views & interaction. Then you can make other posts more like the popular ones.

You can also see this info written out "in plain English" with illustrations on The Nonprofit Facebook Guy's website. There's lots of other good info there too that helps demystify FB.

FB charts this all for you auto-magically, so make use of the simple but helpful data! And share this post with your colleagues. 

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SEO Specialist Philippines said...
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