Looking to join a movement? Here's a message from Kai Halttunen, teacher of Information Studies in Tampere, Finland:
Hi, I am Kai, a cycling loving teacher of information studies in Tampere, Finland. I would like to invite you and your library colleagues to a different and exciting cycling trip from Copenhagen to Berlin in spring-summer 2011 – Cycling for libraries! We – me with a team of keen library lovers – will arrange this tour supported by library associations and collaborators in different countries and I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience for all you who like cycling, get-together and passionate and visionary conversations about variety of library topics.
Our aim is also to bring libraries, their highly proactive staff and the work all librarians do more to publicity and media. We mean to make this public by using internet and social media and making a documentary about how we handle this challenge of cycling 650 km.
We all know that good ideas are generated in cafes and hallways and not so much on lecture halls’ benches or somewhere we expect them to generate. That is why we go to this courageous venture of cycling about 10 days together – to see what kind of spectacular performances the library staff can reach if they just wish to. This is a challenge for you, and I hope that you accept it. Let’s go cycling for libraries! The participation is open to all librarians and everybody interested in the field of libraries. Stay tuned by following this site or our Facebook page.
Kai Halttunen, Tampere University/The Department of Information Studies and Interactive Media (INFIM), Finland
PS. The cycling trip in beautiful Sweden in August 2010 will be a kind of opening of our event.
Sounds like fun doesn't it?
That sounds wonderful Nancy.
Thank you for sharing the information with us.
This is a really great movement and I'm sure you will be able to help a lot of library staff or librarians.
Too bad I can't fly all the way to your country as I have a lot of things to take care of other than visiting blogs and reading them.
Enjoy your time!!!!
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