New Marketing Trends

Marketing Ideas for Non-Profits and Libraries

The M Word helps librarians learn about marketing trends and ideas.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Is your library a Meatball Sundae?

Awhile back I joined Buzz and have been too busy to do anything with it but Seth Godin's new book is out and he's looking for some WOM. Being a fan of his anyway I looked at the book's ideas and sure enough it has a lot to do with what libraries are facing - take a look here. If you get the book- let me know what you think and I'll pass it on.

A meatball sundae is the unfortunate result of mixing two good ideas.

The meatballs are the foundation, the things we need (and sometimes want). These are the commodities that so many businesses are built on.

The sundae toppings (hot fudge and the like) are the New Marketing, the social networks, Google, blogs and fancy stuff that make people all excited.

The challenge most organizations face: they try to mix them. They attempt to slap new marketing onto old and end up with nothing but a failed website.

This book explores the 14 trends that are changing our world and how organizations can either embrace them or be punished by them.

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