New Marketing Trends

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Opening keynote -Lee Rainie, Director Pew Internet

People from 48 states and 12 countries are gathered here in DC. As a bloggers who has only met other bloggers online it is exciting for me to see so many green tags (bloggers). Quick glimpse around the room... lots of laptops. As marketers keep that in mind when you order those tote bags- it is time we ordered bags that hold laptops.

Some other neat things- all the conferences are on the same floor - all tracks remain in the same room-easy to navigate.

Into quoted quote of the day:
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention with the exception on tequila margarita."- laughter from the crowd

Web 2.0 and what it means to libraries... Here's Leeeeeee

Pew doesn't advocate for anything... just presents info that might be useful to you.
Who are stakeholders for information? Lee forgot to include librarians in 2000 - he wants everyone to know librarians are the most enthusiastic audience.

He adores librarians - "I love librarians!"

New verb has come into being... it was Google now we are seeing that people ca YouTube events

Lee showed "what is a ninja" YouTube That's web 2.0 laughter from crowd25% have commented on videos- its part of the conversation- very social

Web 2.0 was an idea for a conference in Silicon valley-

principles- web was the platform for computers

software on the web - life is in perpetual beta- not big bang always tweaks making things more robust
"Rich user" experience the hallmark is that everything is free.

Websites: find where people can create their own stories about events- (

6 hallmarks of web 2.0 that matter

Something big is changing whether it is 2.0 or evolution

1. Internet has become the computer- number of people who use computers is almost indistinguishable from people who use the Internet- bandwidth is increasing - 70% of adult population use 93% teen use Internet- broadband has increased- 96 million people- wireless connectivity is growing can
50% have gone online from a library- that's doubles- teens are accessing computers in lots of different places- pockets, briefcases-

Internet is much more attractive place to be most just hand out to have fun sped an hour or so- - just browsing for fun - no purpose- it is the destination - the place to be
Lots more use internet every day- June 2000- 07 --23%?

85% of young broad band people watched online video (under 35 yrs.old)
62% have watched YouTube videos- they love the amateur stuff like ask a ninja not just The Daily Show- funny, coolest stuff...
19% have posted videos

Yesterday Pew released study about news- we are not getting smarter in a some ways know less- less people know vice prez, status of trade deficit- most knowledgeable people watch the Daily Show and Colbert Show!
Not the only source but added to their news- read newspapers, watch TV news also

More internet connectivity they are more... files, pictures, etc... becoming more social..... making people more anxious to participate

Hallmark # 2 more people are creating and sharing data
more than half (55%) of all teens have profiles on social network- report coming net week about that behavior. BTW they do have some common sense- blocking access, etc...
20% of online adults have such profiles

Older teen girls more likely than boys or younger teen girls- posting on blogs, adding pics, etc... understand the difference in quality of friends from friends of friends and true friends and calibrate accordingly.
Lots of photo posting- younger people want comments and add comments to other photos
visual is almost as important as verbal-- chronicling

Posting original events - 40% have posted their own creations - double the level of adults- about a third create for groups, school, etc...

Blogs- 28
% - 33% of college students- vast majority are publishing intimate, authentic information for a small audience - 4 or 5 best friends- aware that colleges and employers are viewing
They really see it as journaling- horrified if parents read....

Quarter of teens have own pages (still double of adults) and that number also remix things like music and video and photos, videos

A fifth of teens have created an avatar that interacts with others online- only 9% of adults-

Content creation is a "Young people's thing" a central part of what we may want to do is enable teens to create with you.

Hallmark #3 more are accessing the content crested by others - 46% young people users read blogs
44% of YA seek info on wikipedia- heaviest users have higher ed, college students or young people maybe for school assignments - not using as the end all for information- will look for additional sources if info doesn't make sense - or will ping social network

*** BIG STOR People are turning to human to authenticate information that they got- My thought reminds me of when we were kids writing vocabulary.. "Mm , how do you spell../."

14% download

Hallmark 4- sharing what they now and feel online
33% YA have rated service,, product or product online--Note to myself---marketers.... are you using this on your website? Letting people evaluate every aspect? are we letting people rate our librarians? service? can be raw but they do review Amazon book, am I hot or not, etc... can mix fun!!

32% YA have tagged online content - want to go back to stuff they liked - easier to bookmark because its on the web not the computer-

#5 tens of thousands sharing
40% are participating ion [peer-to-peer , millions are participating in grid computing- taking

6 Americans are customizing their content- massing, rearranging content - about 40% YA customize news and other information pages
25% YA get RSS feeds- but is so integrated into content that most people don't even realize they are using it.

5 issues and all online participants must address - Pam Berger (

1. navigation transition from linear to nonlinear- links are currency of the internet- matter - people need to know what t

2. Context -learning to see the connections- we can get snippets of information but its really hard to put them in the larger picture- info disentangled but users themselves matter- why are they searching for information? Work, career? Basic level of trust is variable, new thing is we need to think about personalities, context and technology environment- are they advances bloggers or newbie?

3. Focus practice reflection and deep thinking- continuous short term attention... how do we perform in that kind of environment- but how do we get to deep reflection??? Focus is going to be a huge issue.
Innovation and creativity needs time...

Idea? How about some meditation blogs and videos- ???

4. Skepticism - learning to evaluate information need to understand where info comes from, timeliness, resources, etc... \

5. Ethical behavior- understanding the rules of cyberspace.... when can you shut off cell, when can you talk in public, privacy and disclosure.... are we forgetting all this stuff is out there for good? Digital identities will be there 10...20 years from now. Need a way to talk about this with our communities.... how will our social environment change because of that?

Left us with a final video

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